Well, this is it. The final leg of our brewery road trip. We had fun talking about our favorite Wisconsin breweries and pouring pints to wash down our burgers all summer long. But, we’re looking forward to a fall that’s filled with even more burgers and brews!
Summer in Beloit may be over and school may be in session, but who says the fun needs to end? That’s what weekends are for! These last seven breweries are some of the most notorious in the country, let alone the state.
Location: Sheboygan
Fun Fact: 3 Sheeps’ founder, Grant Pauly, started brewing beer with a home brew kit his wife gave him for his birthday. The year 3 Sheeps opened its doors, they won RateBeer’s Award for Best New Brewery in Wisconsin.
Lucy’s Favorite: Cashmere Hammer
Location: Glendale
Fun Fact: You’ll find the term “fire-brewed” on all of Sprecher Brewery’s packaging because their beers and sodas are brewed in a hand-built gas-fired brew kettle.
Lucy’s Favorite: Citra Bomb
Location: Milwaukee
Fun Fact: The three founders of Good City Brewing were all Milwaukee residents that ended up connecting in Portland, Oregon, during the 2015 Craft Brewers Conference. They formed Good City Brewing as their next chapter of lasting friendships, a love of great beer, taking risks and a commitment to seeking the good of Milwaukee.
Lucy’s Favorite: Film Fest Lager
Location: Milwaukee
Fun Fact: In 1996, Lakefront became the first certified organic brewery and made the U.S.’s first certified organic beer. Ten years later, they became the first brewery to receive federal approval to brew a gluten-free beer.
Lucy’s Favorite: Oktoberfest
Location: Milwaukee
Fun Fact: Frederick Miller immigrated to Milwaukee from Germany in 1855 with a special brewer’s yeast. To this day, Miller beers are brewed with the same strain of yeast Frederick Miller brought with him.
Lucy’s Favorite: Miller Lite
Location: Milwaukee
Fun Fact: Milwaukee Brewing Co. practices “green brewing.” They conserve water, source their barley and grains from local farmers, and more.
Lucy’s Favorite: Weekend at Louie’s
Location: Milwaukee
Fun Fact: Pabst Brewing Co. is the largest owned and operated American brewery. They own the rights to over 80 beer brands and are actively brewing and marketing over 30 of those.
Lucy’s Favorite: Pabst Blue Ribbon aka PBR